Sunday, December 11, 2016

But I want to Dream, So leave me to Dream

Image result for dream imagine dragonsRecently I pulled out one of my vinyls, Smoke and Mirrors by Imagine Dragons. (weird name for a band, but I love the music) I decided to listen to it and there is a song called Dream on it. While listening to the album, I was just listening for the music, not really for the lyrics, but then that song came on.
It stood out to me because the all the other songs I was listening seemed more upbeat compared to this song. This song had a darker vibe to it. The song is about how we all are living in a fake world and how everything seems okay but it really isn't, which is kind of true.
We have been sheltered from the tragedy of the world behind the walls of our home. We mostly just choose to shut out anything that doesn't feel right versus trying to fix it, because we do not want to get ourselves involved in a mess that isn't our own. But if we don't get involved and help others, eventually things will come around and we will be the one in trouble and we will see that no one wants to help.
There is a line that goes:
oh the prettiest of lights that hang the hallways of the home
and the cries from the strangers out at night
they don't keep us up at night
we have the curtains drawn and closed
This shows how we focus on the little pretty things in our own lives versus the misery of others that our outside of our own. We choose to ignore and not think about the pain that others are going through and we are just blinding ourselves with a false hope that everything is okay.
There is a reason the radio doesn't play songs like this, they don't want people feeling sad and changing the radio, everyone wants to remain happy. But how can you know what happiness is without experiencing sadness?(little bit of brave new world for you)
This song made me feel like I need to try not to ignore what is wrong, but to try to help, at least acknowledge the situations in others lives. We all need to try to understand the pain of others because covering it up with happiness will only make it worse, don't you think?
But as the song states:
and all the sorrow I have seen
it leaves me to believe
that everything's a mess

but I want to dream, so leave me to dream


  1. I agree with you, especially your last point, about how we like to cover up our sadness to try and not let others down with us.

  2. I also agree with you because when you said that we couldn't have happiness without a little sadness, made a really good point. And I like how you connected it to Brave New World.

  3. I totally agree. We all gotta have a little sadness in our lives to make those bright and happy days just a little bit brighter. I wish they had a radio station devoted to sad and slow songs, just to even out the mindless stuff that is on all of the other stations.
