Thursday, January 19, 2017


Over this past assignment of writing media blogs every week, it really opened my eyes as of how I connect to the media all around us. I would say i spend 5-7 hours on my phone and/or TV a day, but consume media for about 13 hours in the day. So, for practically half of my time is spend being influenced by some sort of media. This affects my life in a huge manner; all of my thoughts and actions that I do are influenced by things I hear and see on media. If you are around something so long, you begin to act like them, like a friend. When you hang out with a friend so much,, you begin to act in ways they do, even if you don't notice.

I have noticed that i have began to act like a youtuber I watch quite often; I'll pronouce certain words the way they do and react to things in a manner that they do. I noticed that my sister started acting in this kind of maner as well and it turns out she began watching this youtuber quite often herself.

This media blog project we have been doing has made it easier for me to notice the ways media trys to influence us. I have begun to notice the way ads use word diction and product placement and things like that in order to appeal to crowds of people. I used to just let things sink in without putting uch thought behind the messages the media delivers to me, but now i notice myself yelling out to the TV during commericals certain ways they are trying to get the attention of certain people.

I think it is very important to be aware of the media and how it is affecting you; the media is in everyone's lives for at least half the time, it has to be shaping our personalities in one way or another. Don't you think we should be aware of how things are shaping who we are and what messages they are putting in our heads? Most people do not think much of the things that media deliver to us and they are oblivious to what implicit messages they ae bestowing upon us. I think it is extremely useful to be educated so you are not just some dumb, mindless zombie who lets information just go through one ear and out the other; you should know what is being given to the public.

 I got alot out of keeping these logs over the past few weeks. I feel as if this activity has further opened my mind on being a critical thinker. I am able to better analyze commercials and other sorts of advertisements. I am thankful for this class and I am glad I got to be apart of it because it has shaped my mind into a more openminded person, I am able question and analyze way better, and overall, I think these meia blogs alongside with this class has made me a more educated person.

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