On one side of the argument, I do understand why Mr. Trump would want to use social media alongside of his presidency, but I do not think he should have one the way he uses it. I believe he uses it to keep the youth of America up with what he is doing. I think that that is a smart move in some situations because he wants to appeal to as big of a crowd as he can. I believe he also uses it to summarize a main idea in which he isn't trying to get across, for the people who do not want/ can not read or comprehend largely written articles explaining the President's next move.
Despite these advantages, I think the way Mr. Trump uses his twitter is ridiculous. He uses his twitter as a 'social media' and as a news report. He is our president for crying out loud! He needs to be more mature about his posts. I am not saying he should not have fun and what not, but he is now a sting political figure that America is depending on and the ways he uses and things he says on social media is completely inappropriate for the position he is in. If he really wants to comment and share his personal life I think he should have another account for that, because when all that junk is mixed in with the important presidential stuff, it doesn't make me or others think that he is serious about his new position. For example:
At the bottom of the picture above, there is also a tweet connecting former President Barack Obama to the gas price levels and how we should "fire Obama". This tweet shows what little respect he has for, at the time he tweeted, our President. If he is going to run for President, he needs to treat the president the way he would want to be treated as one.
Again, all do respects to Mr. Trump, but the way he uses social media is completely inappropriate and hopefully he will realize that before fully taking over America.